illegitimate lovechild

Monday, February 27, 2006

My return to the front page.

So, I guess that I don't even have one post shown on the front page (or so I was told) so I'm here to fix that. I don't really have anything to talk about.

Music was my suggested topic. Here goes, in suggested template*:

This is Death Cab's second real album, We Have The Facts and We're Voting Yes. I enjoy it because it has catchy pop tunes and good songwriting. I like the lyric "I hope he keeps you up for weeks like you did to me" and it kind of makes me sad when I listen to it.

Speaking of We Have The Facts and We're Voting Yes, a certain blog partner of mine (who shall remain anonymous) took it from me and now won't even listen to it, opting for Eminem when we went to McDonald's. I had to kick said partner in the shoulder from the back seat to get him or her to play it on the way back.

Oh, and by the way, I finally got the first season of Scrubs, and after converting that same blog partner into a Scrubs fan, I highly suggest any readers to check it out. Not even the DVD sets, just watch it on TV. I think it's on tomorrow, eight o'clock central time. To those not in the midwest... check your local listings.

Listening To: Death Cab For Cutie- 405

*therecolada: Gil:
therecolada: This is some music I enjoy. I enjoy it for X reason. I like X lyric, and it kind of makes me sad when I listen to it.

Monday, February 20, 2006

I once bit a raw onion for a coke.

Laughter Now Exclusively Used To Mask Feelings

Oh Onion. Why don't you just read my mind.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Poem time

With some insperation from /. I made this poem.*

There once was OS XP
The script kitties used it with glee
But to all the rest
Tux was the best
For he did not BSoD

*also posted at inslowmotion

Saturday, February 18, 2006

John: Gradually Assimilating The World's POV Into His POV

Or vice-versa. But one is for the egoist, and the other is for the altruist. I think.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Such an odd hobby. Most people get over it.

Japan's internet 'suicide clubs'

Hmmm, I think I'd have to blame subliminal messages put out by Japanese preteen female singing groups for that problem.

If only someone would make a film about that.

Listening to: The Bens- Bruised

Saturday, February 11, 2006

interestingly enough

Colleges need a few good men

Oooooh. Ouch. Looks like men need to be empowered now.

Heh, bad pun.

Friday, February 10, 2006


I mentioned Nacho Libre in my most recent post.

I was too lazy at that time, but here is a trailer for it.

Watch it, and be amu/a/s/z/ed.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

One for the plebs

And another thing, just a humorous anecdote you might all like to hear, and then share with others in conversation. To make yourself seem personable and one of the common people, and such things as that.

I was cooking some eggs in the microwave, and I set it for a minute and a half, then I clicked start and walked away. In another room, I thought "hmmm, I'm surprised I can't hear the microwave going, it's relatively close."

FUNNY PART: So I go in to get my eggs after time has expired, to find they're still very cold and uncooked chicken embryos. I had pushed "kitchen timer" instead of "cook time"!!!!! Oh the hilarity.

By the way, Jack Black is starring in a new movie called "Nacho Libre" I think. He seems to be a Mexican wrestler, and I only saw the trailer sans sound, so I don't know if it's really funny. It looked promising though.

Just a little PSA.

I really like The Streets' most recent album, A Grand Don't Come For Free.

Gil can travel to hell and stay there for eternity if he can't respec'.

Listening to: The Streets- Empty Cans

Sunday, February 05, 2006

four more than God intended

Simpleton suggested that I am above something that she's already done, and in my opinion, that's taking my John Haughty nickname a little too far. I'm rarely one to put myself above others, unless I really am above them, so maybe it's not so rare after all.

Unfortunately, at this stage in my life experiment, I can't fill some of these categories.

Four jobs you've had in your life:
None. I'm yet to have a job, but I'm getting one after bball season, so my first is imminent.

Four movies you could watch over and over again:
1. Rushmore ("O.R. they?")
2. The Life Aquatic ("Oh who gives a shit? It was a tabby."
3. The Shawshank Redemption ("Anything you put in my mouth you're going to lose."
4. Old School ("That's what old people do, they die."

Four places you have lived:
1. Madison, WI, three years, I don't really remember this portion of my life, and it only comes back in home videos. I was very young, as in 0-3.
2. Waunakee, WI, thirteen years, I like Waunakee alright. Actually it sucks, and it's small and boring, but really, it's okay. I can't wait to leave though.

Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. Not exactly a show, but Men's Badger Basketball games, I live and die for the badgers. They're currently doing the worst I've seen them do in all my years of fandom, and it's a deep pain. Comparable to my appendicitis.
2. Seinfeld... I'm sure you've all heard of it.
3. The Colbert Report, my favorite is probably the 434 part series: Know A District. I'm not sure if that's the exact title. it sounds wrong, actually.
4. The Office, this show makes me laugh a lot, but it kind of makes me want to cry sometimes too. But only rarely.

Four websites you visit daily:
1. Wikipedia
3. Penny Arcade
4. Slashdot

Four of your favorite foods:
1. Mashed potatoes. With gravy.
2. Microwave Burritos. How can $.45 be wrong?
3. Peanut Butter bars, as made by my mother.
4. Cashews.

Four places you'd rather be right now:
1. Durham, NC, with Simpleton
2. Minneapolis, MN with mike
3. Tucson, AZ with hotbro
4. Milwaukee, WI with Twee

Four favorite places you've ever been in the world:
1. Disney World. It's lots of fun.
2. In my bed. I visit there rarely.
3. Platteville bball camp.
I haven't been to enough places I've liked, apparently.

Listening to: Neutral Milk Hotel- Ghost

Wow, I'm on a blogging roll.

At first I kind of did think myself above it, and then I was a little disgusted with myself for thinking that and felt like I should do it so I could pretend I didn't think that, then I thought that I should just not do it and not lie, but then I decided that I did in fact want to do it. Even though there's a few empty spots.

Four jobs you've had in your life:
I have never had a job. I've been meaning to get on that (I'm reminded of a promise I made with a certain blog partner that we'd both have jobs by the end of October ('05)).

Four movies you could watch over and over again:
1. Garden State- What can I say other than it's one of the most incredibly moving and inspiring movies I've ever seen.
2. Zoolander- Too funny. I could watch this a hundred times and still laugh at the same jokes.
3. The Nightmare Before Christmas- My siblings and I used to walk to the library (which is steps from my back yard, for those who don't know) every Halloween and pick up this movie. I don't think I ever understood it until a couple years after that tradition stopped, and for nostalgia's sake I went and got it from the library on my own. It's quite simply amazing: just thinking of the stop motion filming stuns me. Not to mention singing.
4. The Lion King- If this question had asked 'Four of my favorite movies,' this would probably not have made the list. However, in the category of movies I could watch over and over again, it falls into the list with ease. I've already mentioned my affinity for Disney musicals, and this is top-notch.

Four places you have lived:
1. Waunakee, WI- The only place I've ever lived, in the same house. I do love it here, but at the same time, I can't wait to get out and finally start a life of my own; I feel almost hindered in such a small town.

Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. Scrubs- Witty, well written, a well developed atmosphere in general. My favorite show.
2. Arrested Development- Everyone knows the reasons for watching this show. It's incredible. Just so I can feel like I fit in, I'll include my favorite characters too: Mabey (or is it Maeby? I'm not sure and too lazy to look) and Tobias.
3. The Office- I didn't realize I liked sitcoms so much. Well, it's just as funny as the other two so far on this list, and that's as good a reason as any. I sometimes get really angry when I watch it because the boss is such a doucheface.
4. ER- Sometimes I need to watch something serious, and this totally fills me up. Really good.

Four websites you visit daily:
1. My Google Homepage- I customized it with CNN Tech feeds, a Penny Arcade feed, it's even got an illegitmate lovechild feed. It rocks.
2. Penny Arcade- The funniest comic you'll ever read. And Tycho's posts are just as awesome.
3. GameFAQs- I check out the poll every day, you know, sometimes I need it for a little more.
4. Threadless- I usually go here just out of boredom, but it's as deserving as anything else on this list. It's fun to browse through the submissions.

Four of your favorite foods:
1. Stir Fry- Mmmm. I love it. Lots of vegetables, lots of meat, good sauce, and rice. What's not to like?
2. Graham Crackers- I love them. Cinnamon, chocolate, honey: they're all good.
3. Cereal- Of any variety almost. I love it, even if it's not as good for you as the food market might want you to believe. My favorites are Corn Pops, Mini Wheats, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and tons of others.
4. Grilled Cheese Sandwich- I make two for lunch probably twice a week, if not more.

Four places you'd rather be right now:
1. Seattle, WA- I've never been there, but you can ask almost anyone I know, and they'll tell you it's a deep desire of mine to visit someday. Rainy weather, good music.. what more can you ask for?
2. 2008- I want to get out of high school. Even though I know I'll miss it once I'm done.
3. Chicago- I have an aunt who lives in Chicago, and whenever we visit I always have a really great time. I'm sure I don't have to convince any of you of how fantastic it is. So being somewhere nice is.. nice.
4. Well, Death Cab for Cutie is playing in Oslo today...
(I kind of morphed this category into 'Where do you want to go')

Four favorite places you've ever been in the world:
1. My room- It's relaxing, being somewhere you can call your own. Even though I share it with my brother.
2. Border's on University Ave. in Madison- I love it there, it smells nice and has books and movies and music.
3. Bryce Canyon, Utah- It's really gorgeous. The colors are incredible and the rock formations are second to none. Highly reccomended over the Grand Canyon.
4. Tierney Park- Small park, good times.

Friday, February 03, 2006

I would definitely risk death for more accurate FPS control.

I was surfing around IGN today (as I often do) and I came upon this article in the header. Honestly, it's a pretty cool looking thing and it looks like it would be pretty cool in general, but I was a little disturbed by a tiny bit of info provided.

"...a warning from the State of California ... stated that the mouse wire was known to have cancer-causing elements in it and that I should wash my hands after touching it."

Just take that all in. I'm pretty sure it's talking about the actual wire, and not the insulator around it, but honestly. Cancer causing? In a mouse? Sure, it's supposed to make the connection between the mouse and computer blazingly fast, but... cancer. A little knick to the plastic that you don't notice, don't wash your hands, boom, won't live to see Christmas*.

...But it is really cool.


Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Aw jeez.

I was a lot happier before I knew Orson Scott Card was a Mormon (and incorporated Mormon themes into his novels). This may seem a little insensitive to some, but Mormons and I go way back.

"Way" back.