illegitimate lovechild

Friday, November 27, 2009

soy un perdedor

Haha, I guess no one else likes poetry.

We had the majority of my mom's side of the family over yesterday, somewhere around 35 people, and it was a ball. The boring period where my cousins' children were too small to do anything of interest ended and it was a zoo as we had 11 children here ranging in ages from 2.5 months to 10 years old. For some reason I didn't include my little sister in this total, I guess because she's still far more articulate than the rest of them. (Or perhaps they're just too shy to converse with me. Actually I expect this is the case.) I liked having a bunch of cute and often hilarious children around.

I guess the main thing I took away from Thanksgiving was that my cousin Katy's 2.5 year old, Eva, is ADORABLE. As adorable as advertised :)

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

leaves of crass

Gilbert T. my friend
Spindly, ineffectual
Weak as baby bird

When reading above imagine Ben Stein's voice.

IL readers, I strongly encourage you to take a minute and contribute some slam poetry of your own making! While any form would be excellent, consider pausing to write a beautifully simple "hate-ku" because it could not possibly take you more than two minutes and it will make me happy. I even give you all permission to go after me, because I've got so much gas left in the tank Gil won't need any extracurricular dressing down, I beseech you all to make me look the part of the clown!

Also use puns because you're all so smart.


Monday, November 23, 2009

Make 'em laugh, make 'em laugh

I don't like seeing my last two posts on this blog when I visit, so this post is here to begin the process of moving them down the page. Also to entertain. Um, you know, or whatever the hell readers of this blog desire. After writing that, I guess it's really to fulfill my desire of imagining people read this blog because it's entertaining instead of depressing.

So let's call it a status report.

Haha, people tell me I'm smart, but I think I'm just smart for a blonde. Is it not spelled blonde? I have always spelled it that way but my computer constantly tells me it's wrong. I mean, not that I need to specify my hair color to my computer very often, I mean, that is, erm, once a week at most. (And upon research via my pal, I find that blonde is used to refer to girls as opposed to boys. Whatever, I feel like it needs the e, blond looks so naked, and blonde looks complete.)

That was a bit of a tangent. So let's briefly explore the aspects of my life that pass the time.

I'm really excited about Badger Basketball. As I say every year, I think they could surprise a lot of people.

I read Good Omens and it was delectable, likely worth mining two, three, maybe four more times for comedy that slipped by me the first time. Haha, I bet a lot of people are going to feel that way about the real apocalypse. Now I'm reading a book about golf, Feinstein's A Good Walk Spoiled, and it's good. The history of golf in my mind has a bit of a black hole between the era of Nicklaus and Palmer and the era of Tiger Woods, and it's interesting to read about the 80s and 90s because a lot of the players are still around. Golf is an especially interesting sport because it is so individual and players are so prone to falling into crises of confidence, especially because the game allows its players such longevity. The book is making me want to play, but because I only read it when I'm in my bathroom (it sits upon the top of the throne), maybe it will cause my game to stay at its current level. That is to say, equivalent to defecating.

Got some chores to do. Thanks for reading.


Wednesday, November 04, 2009

one day at a time

I'll post something more substantial later, but sometimes it's hard not to feel like I've let everyone in my life down. I can only live one day at a time and try to be a good person, and I'm going to do that now.

The past is over, and I guess I can live with it because I did those things and I said those things, I spent all that time and I can't go back. A coward dies a thousand deaths, but I'm not going to die anymore.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

the future

So in case you hadn't heard, I stopped attending the University of Minnesota due to medical (dermal) reasons.

It was my goal to go there for a long time, and I did but I guess it didn't really work out. I wanted to get away from Madison and I suppose go be big time and cool in the city. But it didn't really work out, I'm too stupid and careless and completely unable to take care of myself.

Now I live at home and struggle to keep my head above water.

I guess eventually I'll be dead, then withering will feel more natural.

The neighbor boy who used to babysit me tried to kill himself and now he lives back at home too. Maybe we can be friends, I wonder what he's really like and if he feels as lonely as I do. Probably a lot more, maybe I'll find out and then we'll build a flying machine together and go away for a long time, then come back with beards and serenity. Maybe.

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