four more than God intended
Simpleton suggested that I am above something that she's already done, and in my opinion, that's taking my John Haughty nickname a little too far. I'm rarely one to put myself above others, unless I really am above them, so maybe it's not so rare after all.
Unfortunately, at this stage in my life experiment, I can't fill some of these categories.
Four jobs you've had in your life:
None. I'm yet to have a job, but I'm getting one after bball season, so my first is imminent.
Four movies you could watch over and over again:
1. Rushmore ("O.R. they?")
2. The Life Aquatic ("Oh who gives a shit? It was a tabby."
3. The Shawshank Redemption ("Anything you put in my mouth you're going to lose."
4. Old School ("That's what old people do, they die."
Four places you have lived:
1. Madison, WI, three years, I don't really remember this portion of my life, and it only comes back in home videos. I was very young, as in 0-3.
2. Waunakee, WI, thirteen years, I like Waunakee alright. Actually it sucks, and it's small and boring, but really, it's okay. I can't wait to leave though.
Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. Not exactly a show, but Men's Badger Basketball games, I live and die for the badgers. They're currently doing the worst I've seen them do in all my years of fandom, and it's a deep pain. Comparable to my appendicitis.
2. Seinfeld... I'm sure you've all heard of it.
3. The Colbert Report, my favorite is probably the 434 part series: Know A District. I'm not sure if that's the exact title. it sounds wrong, actually.
4. The Office, this show makes me laugh a lot, but it kind of makes me want to cry sometimes too. But only rarely.
Four websites you visit daily:
1. Wikipedia
3. Penny Arcade
4. Slashdot
Four of your favorite foods:
1. Mashed potatoes. With gravy.
2. Microwave Burritos. How can $.45 be wrong?
3. Peanut Butter bars, as made by my mother.
4. Cashews.
Four places you'd rather be right now:
1. Durham, NC, with Simpleton
2. Minneapolis, MN with mike
3. Tucson, AZ with hotbro
4. Milwaukee, WI with Twee
Four favorite places you've ever been in the world:
1. Disney World. It's lots of fun.
2. In my bed. I visit there rarely.
3. Platteville bball camp.
I haven't been to enough places I've liked, apparently.
Listening to: Neutral Milk Hotel- Ghost
Unfortunately, at this stage in my life experiment, I can't fill some of these categories.
Four jobs you've had in your life:
None. I'm yet to have a job, but I'm getting one after bball season, so my first is imminent.
Four movies you could watch over and over again:
1. Rushmore ("O.R. they?")
2. The Life Aquatic ("Oh who gives a shit? It was a tabby."
3. The Shawshank Redemption ("Anything you put in my mouth you're going to lose."
4. Old School ("That's what old people do, they die."
Four places you have lived:
1. Madison, WI, three years, I don't really remember this portion of my life, and it only comes back in home videos. I was very young, as in 0-3.
2. Waunakee, WI, thirteen years, I like Waunakee alright. Actually it sucks, and it's small and boring, but really, it's okay. I can't wait to leave though.
Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. Not exactly a show, but Men's Badger Basketball games, I live and die for the badgers. They're currently doing the worst I've seen them do in all my years of fandom, and it's a deep pain. Comparable to my appendicitis.
2. Seinfeld... I'm sure you've all heard of it.
3. The Colbert Report, my favorite is probably the 434 part series: Know A District. I'm not sure if that's the exact title. it sounds wrong, actually.
4. The Office, this show makes me laugh a lot, but it kind of makes me want to cry sometimes too. But only rarely.
Four websites you visit daily:
1. Wikipedia
3. Penny Arcade
4. Slashdot
Four of your favorite foods:
1. Mashed potatoes. With gravy.
2. Microwave Burritos. How can $.45 be wrong?
3. Peanut Butter bars, as made by my mother.
4. Cashews.
Four places you'd rather be right now:
1. Durham, NC, with Simpleton
2. Minneapolis, MN with mike
3. Tucson, AZ with hotbro
4. Milwaukee, WI with Twee
Four favorite places you've ever been in the world:
1. Disney World. It's lots of fun.
2. In my bed. I visit there rarely.
3. Platteville bball camp.
I haven't been to enough places I've liked, apparently.
Listening to: Neutral Milk Hotel- Ghost
Your 4 places you'd rather be is awesome. Also, Sir Haughty, get a job. But enjoy not having one while you don't.
Vicky Simpleton, at 5:45 AM
Hey John, thanks for wanting to be with me, and thanks for calling me hotbro, i cried a lil inside with joy. Also.... enjoy not having a job, but enjoy HIGHSCHOOL. I think back to last year, makin' out with girls, singing for half my school day, driving all around WI, with all my free time; it was beauteous. ALSO, I remember when you lived in Mad, and you got pissed(mad) at Billy for something, so instead of maybe hitting him, you dropped trou and pooped on his floor. It was a little bit ironic because you played on that floor too, but hey, you got your point across. also, and this is my final also, didn't you live in three places, counting that interim* apartment between mad and waunakee? I was never able to visit at that time, but I know annie did.
Love you!
Sam, at 11:14 PM
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