illegitimate lovechild

Sunday, May 14, 2006

It's a word. It has a definition. You can use it in language.

Gil criticized me for using the word 'apostate' on my Myspace page. He said I just try to seem smart. That annoys me, because if I am smart, which isn't what I was saying, why should I have to seem dumb on Myspace? I agree that it's a forum that is quite dumb, and even having a page says more about my intelligence than I'd like, but why would I need to appear intelligent to my peers? I think that if you're smart it probably expresses itself naturally, unless you make an effort to suppress it.

Gil also told me that my recent posts are self indulgent. I agree, but I'm also unsure as to what else I'm supposed to blog, and where I seemed to give the impression that this blog was about something other than myself.

Apparently I rub Gil the wrong way sometimes, and he needs to find fault in me. He's a good guy though, and still worth hanging out with despite the baggage.

This post will probably piss him off again, because I defintely moral highgrounded him.

listening to: Guster- Amsterdam


  • It's hard for me to admit how right you are.

    By Blogger Gil, at 6:51 PM  

  • Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:02 AM  

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