more like unfortune teller
I think I might like to become a fortune teller who gives very bad news, to make people's lives better and brighter. I'd give bad news all of the time, but it would be very realistic and believable. So if you were a fortune telling believer type of person, you could easily buy into me and get very worried. The idea is that I'd become regarded as someone who gives a lift, because things were never as bad as I foretold.
My role of 'fortune teller' would begin to mean something else, something more like 'situation assesser'. What I'd be doing would be assessing your situation, describing just how perfectly terrible things could go for you, and then you'd go out and live to prove me wrong. I'd be a multi-purpose enemy, so that when things even went mediocre, you could say HA!, at least I foiled John.
I'm not sure if this would be viable as a career, but everybody needs somebody to foil.
My role of 'fortune teller' would begin to mean something else, something more like 'situation assesser'. What I'd be doing would be assessing your situation, describing just how perfectly terrible things could go for you, and then you'd go out and live to prove me wrong. I'd be a multi-purpose enemy, so that when things even went mediocre, you could say HA!, at least I foiled John.
I'm not sure if this would be viable as a career, but everybody needs somebody to foil.
people who are desperate to know the future will fit anything a fortune teller says around what happens to them.
this is because they already have a bizarre belief system and are full of insecurities.
for instance, if you said to someone, "you cousin is going to die" and six months later their cousin gets a really bad cold, the subject's mind will twist everything that you said to shape this scenario.
people skilled in deception can and do make quite a good living from it, although the ethics are questionable.
dan, at 2:02 AM
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