basketball philosophy: rationalism
Earlier this basketball season, the coaches punished some guys who were late for practice, myself included, by making everybody who wasn't late run. The people who were late sat by and watched while this happened, and I believe that we were supposed to feel guilty about all of this.
I didn't feel any remorse on the sidelines, because I just don't understand how people can try to punish me when they need my validation for the punishment to be effective.
On that note, the whole basketball program is full of stupid ideas about having "the will to win" or having "heart". When a coach is too stupid to know what to say, or too stupid to give the players concrete goals to attain, he spews crap about "heart" and "wanting it". I guess I'm old fashioned, but all I want is to know what we did poorly, and what we're going to do to improve upon it.
A little thought, at least.
Listening to: The Dismemberment Plan- Superpowers
I didn't feel any remorse on the sidelines, because I just don't understand how people can try to punish me when they need my validation for the punishment to be effective.
On that note, the whole basketball program is full of stupid ideas about having "the will to win" or having "heart". When a coach is too stupid to know what to say, or too stupid to give the players concrete goals to attain, he spews crap about "heart" and "wanting it". I guess I'm old fashioned, but all I want is to know what we did poorly, and what we're going to do to improve upon it.
A little thought, at least.
Listening to: The Dismemberment Plan- Superpowers
Well I've never heard of that punishment before. It makes more sense to me if the coach would stick to the original version and just make the late ones run. Say the whole team is late to practice. Does the whole team sit around and watch the coach run?
Ribs, at 8:27 PM
I'd like to know how we're expected to go into practice and improve on our 'heart'.
kpad, you play because you're a good player, and Devin plays because he's a good player. Both of you are excellent, and giving me stupid crap about your heart is doing a disservice to yourself.
I know why I don't play much, and it's mainly because I'm behind Hal, and because I'm not quite God's gift to basketball. It's not because of my heart, because it's at least as good as anybody's on the team.
And about the Sauk game... we are a lot better than them, but their pass and cut offense absolutely cut up our defense, it wasn't our lack of intensity that made us poor defenders.
'Heart' and 'the will to win' are such stupid terms, because they encompass some sort of mythical 'killer instinct' that you can't teach, and if you can't teach something, well then the coach doesn't feel like it's their fault.
john, at 10:58 PM
And about being late, I never saw the adjusted time, and I missed the meeting after the game. I know that this doesn't excuse me from anything, I would gladly have paid for my errors through running, but to make you guys run because I messed up a little bit is wrong. People who do well and show up on time need to be rewarded, not forced to run.
john, at 11:01 PM
umm, if you don't want to win, like in cards, are you really going to try? or even think about how you should play in order to win? u kinda need to want to win in order to win...and heart, if you don't love what ur doing, why are you doing it? why waste your time? you could be smashing pumpkins or something
yeah, i can be really mean, but sometimes it seems like everyone has such a negative attitude and i'm sick of it.
Gingavitus, at 7:46 PM
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