illegitimate lovechild

Monday, January 29, 2007

I appreciate what you're doing, but really...

I have a lot of down time at school. When considering AP US History, AP Literature and Composition, and Microsoft Excel and Access, I'm looking at almost two hours of dead air. Sometimes I draw pictures or write short stories, but I was wondering if anyone has some practical/interesting ideas for how I should spend my time.

I'm considering writing extensive critiques of my teachers, but the mere fact that I have time in the class to blow writing about the teacher already makes a nice little statement in and of itself. I might do it anyway, because in all frankness, these teachers deserve to be critiqued. Their write-ups will probably have a sort of expose feel.

Listening to: Sufjan Stevens- Flint (For The Unemployed And Underpaid)

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  • I say act like a normal high school boy and think about sex during all your down time. My next suggestion is this
    Step 1. instead of writing about your teachers, write a screen play about your own life at school.
    Step 2. ????
    Step 3. Profit

    By Blogger Milk, at 11:43 PM  

  • I would follow your advice Papa M, but that can lead to embarassing situations, especially when you're blessed as I am.

    By Blogger john, at 2:04 PM  

  • Or instead of writing a screen play about your life, you could write a script for the film festival. Or write a poem I can use for AP Lit. Crosswords. Sudokus. I'd definitely browse the web during Microsoft Excel.

    By Blogger Ribs, at 8:01 PM  

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