illegitimate lovechild

Friday, June 09, 2006

because being white gets boring

A few weeks ago I started to ask people what white people's n-word should be. A word that only we can use, but it's like a racial name. I didn't really come up with anything that had the ring of the n-word, but I started to use cracker. Now I call my parents, my friends, and my loved ones cracker. My mom hates it, so I've started to call her c-word instead. She doesn't like that much better, especially when strangers could interpret it as cunt or something.

But yeah, that's just something about me, cracker.

listening to: The Flaming Lips- Race For The Prize


  • if this post is really true, i hope someone hears you in public and kicks the shit you of you for being retarded.

    By Blogger Milk, at 6:56 PM  

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